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AL Barnes Carpets
Swansboro, NC 28584 (252) 393-3165 (252) 393-2215 Our preferred brands include adura, aladdin, armstrong, congoleum, featuring mohawk shaw carpets, mannington, mannington mills, mohawk, philadelphia and shaw. Our specialties include adura, all professionally installed, carpet, ceramic, ceramic tile, expert installation, featuring mohawk & shaw carpets , featuring mohawk shaw carpets, full line of ceramic tile & porcelain , full line of ceramic tile & pre finished hardwood floors , hardwood, install, laminate resilient porcelain tile adura , pre finished hardwood floors, remodeling & new construction, slate & glass tile and vinyl. We can assist you with all professionally installed, carpet, carpets by:, ceramic, expert installation, featuring the area's largest selection of ceramic tile , full line of ceramic tile & porcelain, slate & glass tile , full line of ceramic tile & pre- finished hardwood floors , hardwood, remodeling & new construction, vinyl and vinyls by:. We've been in business since 1966. Full line of ceramic tile, vinyl & pre-finished hardwood floors. Share Your Review Please note: all reviews are screened for spam and take 24-48 hours to be approved.