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Deaktor Tile & Marble Design

1231 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA
Get Directions

(412) 454-9003
Our specialties include all special edge treatments and bowl cutouts are fabricated and polished with cnc machine , counter tops, countertops, custom marble & granite, fireplaces, natural stone fabricators, residential & commercial and vanities. We can assist you with all special edge treatments and bowl polised , consultations, countertops, custom edges & bowl cutouts on cnc machine , custom marble & granite, estimates, fabricated and polished with cnc machine , fireplaces, grouting, home improvements, installation, masonry materials, remodeling, renovations, residential & commercial, restoration, sat & eve by appt, tile flooring, tile removal and vanities. We've served residential customers. Custom marble & granite natural stone fabricators, all special edge treatments and bowl cutouts are fabricated and polished with cnc machine. Open for business mon-fri weekdays.


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